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The Western Apicultural Society (WAS) will be holding their 2020 conference in Missoula.
Mark your calendar and make plans to attend!
July 9–11: 43rd Annual Conference of the Western Apicultural Society
July 12: Field Camp
July 13–14: 4th Internal Bee and Hive Monitoring Workshop
Registration should be ready early next year. Separate registration will be available for each offering. Additional information will be posted at as it becomes available.
Many more details to follow in the next couple months, but check this out for preliminary info…/
WAS will be profiling the speakers for our Missoula conference over the next few months.
Watch here for updates and/or check the WAS website at .
Jenifer Walke, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology at
Eastern Washington University (
Dr. Walke is a microbial and disease ecologist, studying the roles of beneficial and disease-causing microorganisms on their hosts, including honey bees. She earned her B.S. degree from James Madison University, Ph.D. from Virginia Tech, and was a post-doctoral researcher at Virginia Tech in the Entomology and Biological Sciences departments. At EWU, Dr. Walke teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in general biology, microbiology, ecology and evolution, and research methods. Dr. Walke is the Principal Investigator on a National Science Foundation research project investigating the complex interactions between honey bee hosts, their gut microbiomes, and pathogens. In addition to teaching and research, Dr. Walke enjoys engaging in community outreach, including K–12, and playing outdoors with her husband, two daughters, and dog. To read more about Dr. Walke’s work, please visit: