May 2022 Bee Meeting minutes
Buzz’s bee is not associated with the local individual going by Bitterroot Buzz Bees.
Bees are building up getting ready for the nectar flow
Mites are building up and lag slightly behind the bees
We are now entering season
Ensure the bees have nectar coming in or syrup
If in doubt add a box to help prevent swarming
Good time for splits
Queen ordering
Splits help aid in preventing swarms
Mite Control Options
· Apivar - Chemical Treatment using Amatraz
· Apiguard - Organic Treatment using Thyme
· Oxalic Acid - Organic Treatment using Oxalic Vaporization or Drench
· MAQS - Organic Treatment using Formic Acid
Testing for mites
· Sticky board
· Alcohol wash
o ½ 300 bees
o 1% = 3 mites
· Powdered sugar roll
· Uncapping drone larvae
· IPM 2%-3%
Split Types
· Walk away split
o Uses emergency cells
o Time to laying queen 24 days
o Time to emerging brood 21 days
· Swarm Cells
o May prevent swarming
o Good viable queens, created on purpose
o Can make up multiple splits
· Mated Queens
o Quick to start laying
o Expensive with shipping
o Not guaranteed
· Queen Cups
o Needs time to emerge
o Requires successful mating flight
Splits requires resources to make a complete colony, workers and a queen
· Multiple frames of bees and brood
· Shook swarm or package
· Provisions for a queen
Splits help eliminate swarming impulses with strong spring colonies
Increase apiary size
Making up splits
· Shook Swarm or package not a common method with hobbyists
· Shake bees down and add and excluder, top box is split
· Move frames and leave the queen with the parent hive
· Leave the bees queen less for a short period of time then introduce a caged queen
· Split can be move or left in the same bee yard
o Same bee yard older bees will fly home
o Moving bees needs to bee 3+ miles away
Swarm intervention
Incredible natural phenomenon
Reproduction of a colony
Prime Swarms and After Swarms
Unanimous decision deciding on a new home
Swarm season April to July but can happen anytime
Younger queens have a tendency to stay home
Like a good neighbor
Increase cavity size - May rule add a box
· If treatments aren’t complete add a brood box
· Add honey supers after treatments or if honey is not marketable
Tumbling boxes - reverse boxes putting empty frames on top
· Can split brood nest
· In cooler weather top box gets the warm air
Checker boarding
· Add empty or un-drawn frames between brood frames
o Be careful in cold weather not to split the brood nest too much
o Good for refreshing new frames
· Increase apiary size
· Decrease colony congestion
· Increase honey harvest
· Re-combine later in the season
· Sell the split